Thursday 31 March 2011

In Santiago de compostello ....this is where people come all around the world to see the famous church where saint James was buried

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Atlantic crossing 2,
The first couple of days of the Atlantic sail were very nice and all was well but all was turned around when it started to get rough. We have had rough weather for 4-5 days and it makes those days seem so much longer. I really long for land I miss it so much. Compared to last Atlantic crossing this one is so much worst, everybody is tiered and grumpy now and all people want to do is sleep.  Teachers are piling on the homework and I am just getting frustrated from everybody. I miss home so much and sometimes just can’t wait to go home. I am also getting really frustrated with the people who just don’t understand and say well this is what you signed on for; I just wish they would give us a break. I am exhausted and frustrated but I am so excited to see my daddy because he might come to one of the ports!!!!  All in all this has been a very challenging sail mentally and physically. I fell I don’t how many times and now I have so many bruises all over and I fell in the scuppers and bashed my knee and I also slid across the room and hit a metal pole , it was just a great day.