Monday 20 September 2010

Three new posts

Day 3 – New faces
- So I have now we have spent three days on the sorlandet. Last night was not my best night, because I might have had too much coffee (note to self: don’t drink 5 cups of coffee at dinner). David our cook has been very generous with our meals; they have been quite delicious so far. I am told though that when we start off at sea we have less and less fresh fruit and vegetables. I guess that is understandable. Yesterday we had our first day of sail training and we got to climb aloft. I managed to do my chin up and so I climbed up onto the first part of the sail and at one point when you are crossing over form the rigging to the sail you are not attached and you are only one a line and that’s it. You have things to hold onto but you have to reach to get to the lines you can hold onto. 
Day 10- I have been sea sick for the past 5 days , that is why i have not written day 4 to 9 . Sea sickness not fun . Well anyways, the first night we set sail it was a nice day but that night mostly everybody  was sea sick . I can’t recall how many times i threw up. Today was the first time i had a meal in three days because i just could not eat. What actually made me feel better was the sea sick medicine that my parents gave me , they say that you should not take sea sick medicine but i could not stand not eating and feelg terrible for three days strait. Yesterday we did not have class , we had a “ snow day’’ because we were passing through a storm and the boat was rocking like crazy.  The waves were 7-8 meters high and the boat was on a forty five degree angle.  It was extremely scary but i guess its better to go through the worst in the beginning. What was really interesting is that everybody pulled together to have a fun tim , it sounds corny but its true. The people that were sick were taken care of , the people that were scared were taken care of and so on and so forth.  That night the storm was still raging on , i did however managed to get a couple hours of sleep before i had to get up at 5:40 to be on watch at 6:00. That morning i got to drive the Sorlandet. It was just like out of a movie the storm in the background, the raging gray –blue  waters the  wind , the splash of the ocean it felt quite unreal.  I cant wait to get to France ,if the weather hold up we will be able to make on time but if not , that s just to bad. We still have 500miles to go and to get there on time we need to keep an average speed of 7 knots. I hope we can do that , until next time ,
Ines Receveaux

Day 12 -FEELING 100%
We are only one day away from France; there is quite the excitement in the air!!! We have been sailing for 6 days now and it’s been interesting. There were the ups and downs but, mostly sea-sickness is what happened. Although the first sail was hard and many of us were sick , i am happy to say that everybody is up and about againJ . Last night we had a movie night , we watched the lion king , everybody gathered in the banjer ( that were we sleep, eat , and have class) and we put up the projector and everyone cuddled up in their sleeping bags on the floor , it was a nice treat. Yesterday I had my first full meal of the day, I WAS SO HUNGRY. My bunk mate Maria makes fun of me because i talk about food all day ; what can you say , foods delicious.  

Saturday 11 September 2010

Day 1 – A new beginning
-          One rainy day in Scotland I awaited my plane that would take me to a destination of new beginnings.  As I boarded the plane I had many thoughts rushing through my head; what to expect, what to expect? Anyways, I landed in Copenhagen to take a connecting flight to Kristiansand and there I met a few of my fellow floaties, it was quite exciting. We all boarded the plane with smiles and excitement.  When we landed we were greeted with class a float staff and then we were off to the sorlandet where we spent our first and one of many sleeps on the spectacular tall ship.
Day 3 – New faces- So I have now we have spent three days on the sorlandet. Last night was not my best night, because I might have had too much coffee (note to self: don’t drink 5 cups of coffee at dinner). David our cook has been very generous with our meals; they have been quite delicious so far. I am told though that when we start off at sea we have less and less fresh fruit and vegetables. I guess that is understandable. Yesterday we had our first day of sail training and we got to climb aloft. I managed to do my chin up and so I climbed up onto the first part of the sail and at one point when you are crossing over form the rigging to the sail you are not attached and you are only one a line and that’s it. You have things to hold onto but you have to reach to get to the lines you can hold onto.  

Sunday 5 September 2010

The start of something new

A trip of a life time does not come around very often so when the opportunity presents its self take it ! My mom and dad have always been the people to take every little opportunity even when they were not sure it would work out in the end. Anyways what i am trying to get at is that my time to take a chance. This year i am embarking on a sail ship for one year. I am going to do all of my grade eleven year on it.