Saturday 11 September 2010

Day 1 – A new beginning
-          One rainy day in Scotland I awaited my plane that would take me to a destination of new beginnings.  As I boarded the plane I had many thoughts rushing through my head; what to expect, what to expect? Anyways, I landed in Copenhagen to take a connecting flight to Kristiansand and there I met a few of my fellow floaties, it was quite exciting. We all boarded the plane with smiles and excitement.  When we landed we were greeted with class a float staff and then we were off to the sorlandet where we spent our first and one of many sleeps on the spectacular tall ship.
Day 3 – New faces- So I have now we have spent three days on the sorlandet. Last night was not my best night, because I might have had too much coffee (note to self: don’t drink 5 cups of coffee at dinner). David our cook has been very generous with our meals; they have been quite delicious so far. I am told though that when we start off at sea we have less and less fresh fruit and vegetables. I guess that is understandable. Yesterday we had our first day of sail training and we got to climb aloft. I managed to do my chin up and so I climbed up onto the first part of the sail and at one point when you are crossing over form the rigging to the sail you are not attached and you are only one a line and that’s it. You have things to hold onto but you have to reach to get to the lines you can hold onto.  


  1. Dis-moi Inès, pourrais-tu mettre un peu plus de photos? J'ai pensé à toi alors que tu passais ta premiere nuit en mer. C'était comment? Je suis le Soerlandet sur le web:

    Ilsemblerait que vous n'ayez pas fait grand chemin le premiere nuit. Bisous ma chérie et la France te regarde. Bon vent. Papa

  2. Hi Ines, The dust is beginning to settle after the usual whirlwind start to the school year, and I've finally taken a look at your blogs. I'm guessing you have been super-busy with all the new things to learn aboard a ship, and that you haven't had much time for blogs of late! I think you are in for a wonderful experience with Class Afloat, and I look forward to catching up on your news from time to time. Best wishes!
