Thursday 21 October 2010

Africa right\ Europe left.

Going to barcelona we went through the strait of Gibraltar , it was a beautiful day when we went , seeing africa for the first time a mesmerizing experience . we were followed by daulphins and small whales it was a fantastic day! Later on that day there was absolulty no wind what so ever and we just were sitting there so the staff decided to have a swim call! Everybody was super stoked , we were going to swim in this beautiful blue Mediterranean . The water was at 22degrees celcius . That night though we passed through a thunder storm i have never seen this much lightning in my life we were surrounded by diffrent storms . We arrived in barcelona a day early , nobody complained though because we had an extra day of free time.

1 comment:

  1. All that lightning must have been frightening! I would have hid under the blankets!!

    Say hello to Africa from me.... sounds fabulous!

    We miss you Ines!

    ms. allen
