Thursday 6 January 2011

Dear friends and family

Sorry its been so long , i just have not had internet in over a month ! This is the first time this year that I have been able to upload pictures and actually post things so I thought I should just give you a run down of what has happened in the past month.

1) Crossed the Atlantic Ocean only by sail . We did not use the motor ONCE ! Our water maker broke during the 4 day in so we were only allowed sea salt showers !
2) I got cabin fever and people saw the crazy Ines by day 10 of the sail
3) I got re-voted for student council !
4) I went to one of the most dangerous cities in the world -Trinidad and we went to see harry potter
5) On Christmas morning I woke up to the beautiful Tobago
6) Christmas was so memorable , i truly felt like I had a second family
7) We went to a steal drum concert , danced in the streets
8)Went to an orphanage , met some great kids
9) Had a surprise port on a desert island in the Caribbean , This was for New years , Got really really sun-burnt!
10) I love my life , I am so grateful that my parents gave me this opportunity

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