Thursday 26 May 2011

Lubeck Germany , + Hamburg +kiel canal

me and friends arriving in lubeck 

me on fender duty 


the Passat MASSIVE SHIP 

We arrived in Lubeck on a spring warm breeze the sun was shinning people were happy and we were all excited to try some schnitzel. To get to lubeck we had to go through the Kiel canal , and we were going to go in earlier but there was to much fog and then there was a massive accident we to ships collided and two people died. Then we were not allowed to go in the next day because of two much wind and i mean there was a ridiculous amount of wind. We finally made it through the canal it was very scenic and ravishing . There were little farm houses and the colors of the trees and grass were popping , what i just said may seen ridiculous but it is so true!!!! The colors looked alive! We arrived in the late afternoon just enough time for us to go out for dinner and have some Schnitzel ! In Germany we went to go see the passat which was a freaking MASSIVE SHIP , it is no longer sailing but holy !@!@!$* was it ever huge, we got to tour it and see the cabins and go all the way down to its hull , it was lots of fun. Then my Watch had to hurry to catch the train to hamburg because we were going on a watch adventure to Hamburg. We arrived in hamburg and we tried to find our hostel but that took us a very long time we ziged zaged up and down the streets till we found it we settled in and showered ( woo woo an actual shower) and got ready to go out. We went to the fair and went on some pretty awesome rides , we had dinner with boots ( who is our watch leader) and then we went out on the town , we had some really good bonding time , we found this little club and we danced , danced and danced then we went back to the hostel. That night was a loads of fun and to top it off in the morning boots made us a home made breakfast. We left the hostel and went to the grocery store were they sold 50 euro cents chocolate bars (milka's) Connors bought enough to have one till the end of the year ! We caught our train back for Lubeck . Overall I had really enjoyed germany! 

Oostended Belgium / Bruge

me and my papa 

me and my papa on helm

papa relaxing

in bruge 

canal ride in Bruge 
My dad came to Belgium WHOOOOOOOO
Best time ever! it was really nice to see him and it was nice just to be able to take some time away from everybody, when living with 60 other kids you can imagine that sometimes it is nice to have a break. Anyways we got to Belgium a little bit earlier then expected so we were not in our proper space we had booked , we were not allowed off the ship but past floaties came to see us and that was a nice treat. The next day we needed Volunteers to help go through the locks that is when you go into what you could call a bath tub ( A very big bath tub) and then the doors close behind you and then the water rises or decreases depending on if you are going out on in the dock , then when the water is equal to the water on the side you want to get out of then the door opens and you go and dock. That night my Papa came and it took a while to find each other , his phone was dead , could not contact him , i had no internet, I searched for his hotel and eventually found it but he was not there , We eventually found each other and we had a lovely dinner and caught up on things back home . The next day we went and explored Oostened and , we went to the market and has lunch and walked along the beach, The next day we went to Bruge which was amazing and unreal , The architecture , the atmosphere , the people everything was splendid. We went on a canal ride and saw the city , it was a nice day and an enjoyable time with my father. The next day we went to the beach and rented wind blockers and "sun tanned" for 3-4 hours there was a festival going on so everything was quite busy. Then the next day we left :( it was sad to see my papa go but i was excited to see my floaties , i felt like i was away from them form them for very long . My dad said he would be waiting at the end of the pier so that he could wave me off , but i feel a sleep .....

Spain , La coruna

Last time we were in Spain we went to Mont Serrate and we went to a Train concert , Barcelona was great and so was La coruna , In la coruna we went a 45min train ride away an we stayed in a hostel like no hostel you have ever seen before. It was the coolest and most "hip/hippish/..." We were allowed to do what ever we wanted our curfew was from 9am-11pm . On the first night at the hotel we went for a first watch dinner , we had been trying to organize one for so long, We had a great time and we all told some pretty funny stories and boots defiantly told us about his life :P The next day went to go see la Sagra Familia in Santiago de compostello it was stunning , you could just sense that it had so much history to it. What was really interesting was that you 

saw all the pilgrimage's that came to the church their final destination , the look on their faces when they saw the church was priceless. I got to go inside the church and i saw St James is tomb and i got to go under the golden arches which was simply beautiful .  Back in La Coruna I explored the city we had some delicious Spanish food (paella) bought some souvenirs , Oh and i almost forgot the christianradic was docked right beside us and we got to go see her , she is our sister ship and she was training the military