Thursday 26 May 2011

Spain , La coruna

Last time we were in Spain we went to Mont Serrate and we went to a Train concert , Barcelona was great and so was La coruna , In la coruna we went a 45min train ride away an we stayed in a hostel like no hostel you have ever seen before. It was the coolest and most "hip/hippish/..." We were allowed to do what ever we wanted our curfew was from 9am-11pm . On the first night at the hotel we went for a first watch dinner , we had been trying to organize one for so long, We had a great time and we all told some pretty funny stories and boots defiantly told us about his life :P The next day went to go see la Sagra Familia in Santiago de compostello it was stunning , you could just sense that it had so much history to it. What was really interesting was that you 

saw all the pilgrimage's that came to the church their final destination , the look on their faces when they saw the church was priceless. I got to go inside the church and i saw St James is tomb and i got to go under the golden arches which was simply beautiful .  Back in La Coruna I explored the city we had some delicious Spanish food (paella) bought some souvenirs , Oh and i almost forgot the christianradic was docked right beside us and we got to go see her , she is our sister ship and she was training the military  

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